At the time of the creation of the Survey it is proposed to serve the Town of Norquay, Village of Stenen, RM of Clayton, Village of Hyas and the Town of Sturgis.
This survey is to help the Village of Stenen apply for a grant to show the need for affordable, safe and reliable transportation services in the local areas towns, villages and rm's.
Studies are a much needed resource to prove to agencies that provide grants the need for the services.
Please take the time to complete the survey to help the Village of Stenen with the Federally Funded Rural Transportation Solutions Fund.
Please contact the Village of Stenen with any questions or to be updated on the progress of the application.
Rates Subject to Change
Norquay Skating Rink Fees
Public Skating - $10.00
Private Skating Party - $75.00hr
Ice User Groups
Men & Woman's Hockey - $1,000yr
Figure Skating - $1,200 yr
Minor Hockey - $1,200
*For 1st 2 teams & $500. Every team after.
Non Local Teams
Ice & Dressing room - $200 game
Hutterites - $500 yr
Ukrainian Dance Group - $500yr
CLICK ON LINK BELOW (Calendar) to view schedule.
*need a google account to view* (sign in and it will allow you to view/add schedule.
Campground is closed for the Season and will reopen in the Spring of 2025
Reservation are not accepted. Sites are first come first served.
Upon arrival, choose a vacant campsite and register at the Town office , located at 25 Main Street. Use drop off box at campground after hours.
Campsite fee $20.00 per night.
Payment box on site for after hours
Payments can be made at the Town Office during normal operating hours.
Fire Pit Fire Wood
Shower Washroom
Picnic Table Electric Sites
Drinking Water Open Sites
Sewage Disposal
Property TAX
Property Tax is due by December 31st each year.
2025 is a revaluation year conducted by SAMA
The provincial government mandates SAMA to conduct periodic revaluations of all Saskatchewan properties every four years to coincide with the change to a new base date. The current revaluation was completed in 2021 using the 2019 base date. The next revaluation is to be done in 2025 using a 2023 base date.
When a revaluation is completed, SAMA provides new values to each of our client municipalities.
Provincial legislation requires municipalities to use these values when determining taxes.
For more information visit the SAMA website on how properties are assessed and the 2025 revaluations.
Welcome to the Town of Norquay website.
The information on this website was obtained from the latest public information available, but we recognize that there may have been changes and that information needs to be updated.
If you have more recent information than what you see here, please contact the Town Office by clicking the round green and white message icon at the bottom right of every page.
Are you a club, organization or business hosting an event of interest to our community and visitors?
Let us know so we can add your event to our Community Calendar and let people know what's happening in Norquay.
To submit an event, email the Town Office with the name of the event, date(s), time(s), location, a general description, and contact information where interested people can get more information.
A small community nestled between the upper reaches of Saskatchewan’s Parkland region
and the northern expanse of forest and wilderness -- that's Norquay.
Agriculture is the base of the local economy, and being situated between the headwaters of the Assiniboine and Swan River systems allows the land surrounding Norquay to be rich and fertile.
Norquay is a beautiful community, rich with its culture, nature and people. It has a lot to
offer everyone! From those just visiting family to those interested in setting up a business in the area, we will always do our best to make you feel welcome.
As we say, “Come for the Landscape... Stay for the Lifestyle”
Copyright © 2021 Town of Norquay. All rights reserved.
Town of Norquay
25 Main Street, Norquay SK S0A 2V0
Telephone 306-594-2101
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