TLC Bed & Breakfast 306-594-2565; cell 306-594-7919
Willow Meadows Vacations 306-594-2281
M.L.J. Accounting 306-594-2212
Agriculture Sales and Service
Derkach Sales & Service 306-594-2305 or 306-594-2308
Lingren Seeds Inc. 306-594-2173 or 306-594-2662
Prairie Soil Services 306-594-2330 or 306-594-2410
Peterson Seed Farm 306-594-2355 or 306-594-2651
Peterson Seed Farm Shop 306-594-2572
Western Alfalfa Milling Co. 306-594-2362 or 594-2183
Auto Body Repair
Olson's Auto Body 306-548-4790
Auto and Small Engine Repair
Dahlin PowerSports 306-594-2034
Derkach Sales & Service 306-594-2305
Lake Helen Service 306-594-2660
Car Wash
Car Wash 306-594-2102
R.B's Place 306-594-1212
Whistle Stop Family Restaurant 306-594-2003
Emmanuel Lutheran 306-594-2366
Evangelical Covenant 306-594-2233
Greek Orthodox 306-594-2237
Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic 306-594-2030
St. Thomas Roman Catholic 306-594-2745
United Church 306-594-2357
Berock Exteriors 306-594-2739 or 306-594-2326
Countryside Construction 306-548-4765 or 306-594-7410
Gary Tress 306-594-2730
John Goertzen Drywalling 306-594-2167 or 306-594-7993
Lennie Abbott 306-594-2528
Pineland Homes 306-594-2349 or 306-594-7445
Rayner Welding & Fabricating 306-594-2404
TSM Contracting 306-594-7968
Electrical Services
Tomco Electric 306-594-2367
Excavating / Landscaping
Cherewyk Backhoe Service 306-594-2402
Heskin Backhoe 306-594-2628
RHI Sod Farms 306-595-4438 or 306-542-7824
Sorochuk Land Improvements 306-594-2632
Financial Institutions
Affinity Credit Union Norquay 306-594-6260
Gas Bars
Norquay Co-op Association 306-594-2215
Gifts and Crafts
Gifts Galore and Whole Lot More 306-594-2258
Norquay Co-op 306-594-2215
Robinson's Family Foods 306-594-2112
Hair Care & Esthetics
Ambiance Salon & Day Spa 306-594-2244
Onyx Hair & Nail 306-594-2285
Rose & Ray Apparel 306-594-7101
Hall Rental
Communiplex Rental 306-594-2101
Curling Club Lounge 306-594-2248 or 306-594-2045
Legion Hall Rental 306-594-3074
NICE Centre Rental 306-594-2988
Dahlin PowerSports 306-594-2034
Norquay Co-op Association 306-594-2215 or 306-594-2953
Health & Fitness
Ambiance Salon & Day Spa 306-594-2244
Homecare 306-594-2277
Mental Health Services 306-786-0558
Public Health 306-594-2262
Uff Da Soaps & Lotions 306-594-3074
Visiting Services 306-563-5656
Well Being Massage, Darcilyn Johnson 306-594-7552
Well Being Massage, Karen Filipowich 306-594-7762
Insurance Sales
Norquay Agencies Ltd. 306-594-2293 or 306-594-2435
Interior Design
NB Designs 306-594-2009
Treasures Redesigned 306-594-2729
Newspapers & Magazines
Kamsack Times 306-594-2304 or 306-542-2626
Prairies North subscriptions 1-888-861-8311
Norquay Drugs 306-594-2022
Plumbing & Heating
K. Danielson Plumbing and Heating 306-547-2817 or 306-547-8347
Rainbow Trail Plumbing and Heating 306-548-4623
RB's Place 306-594-2212
Whistle Stop Family Restaurant 306-594-2003
Bartel's Grain Hauling 306-594-2925 or 306-594-7593
KWS Trucking Ltd. 306-594-2413 or 306-594-2255
Reine Logging 306-594-2729 or 306-594-7618
Don's Upholstery & Woodwork 306-594-2425 or 306-594-2623
The Hwy 49 East Chamber Commerce is a very important part of our community. The membership fee for a business is $25/year and $10/year for an individual. The Chamber organizes the following events:
Annual Trade-Show
Salute to Norquay BBQ
Community Garage Sale
Santa Clause Day
The Chamber holds memberships in the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce and the Hudson Bay Route Association.
The Chamber of Commerce is not only for businesses -- it welcomes memberships from any individual, farmer, home-business, etc.; anyone who wishes to contribute to our community. It is up to all to keep our community viable.
Chamber contacts:
For further information see the Hwy 49 East Chamber of Commerce website or Facebook page.
Copyright © 2021 Town of Norquay. All rights reserved.
Town of Norquay
25 Main Street, Norquay SK S0A 2V0
Telephone 306-594-2101
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